EPS Operations, LLC / R10-1158A
EPS Operations, LLC Contract Highlights As a trusted partner for over 20,000 school districts, schools, and educational institutions EPS Operations...
EPS Operations, LLC Contract Highlights As a trusted partner for over 20,000 school districts, schools, and educational institutions EPS Operations...
Transfr Contract Highlights Explore 35+ careers in virtual reality by performing on-the-job tasks. Experience 300+ hands-on simulated trainings aligned with...
MasteryPrep Contract Highlights MasteryPrep offers a comprehensive portfolio of college readiness and end of course solutions including diagnostic tests, bell...
PrepScholar Contract Highlights An on-line adaptive SAT/ACT prep program. A College Admissions curriculum for students and parents. An average increase...
Lobaki Contract Highlights By choosing Lobaki as your Virtual Reality Partner, you are choosing dedicated customer service and support. Lobaki...
Learn It Contract Highlights Learn It has extensive experience overseeing large-scale public, charter, and non-public school programs nationally, serving hundreds...
What Drives Winning Education Contract Highlights What Drives Winning Education conference events provide Leadership and Social Emotional Learning materials with...
StudentNest Contract Highlights StudentNest has provided in-person, virtual, and hybrid educational services (tutoring) to over 125,000 individuals nationally. Demographics include:...
Axiom Learning Contract Highlights Axiom Learning offers evidence and research-based in-person tutoring, assessments, professional development, and teacher time-saving toolkits to...
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